I’ve always checked the change in my pocket; I’ve looked for unusual or special coins ever since I was a child. I collected the Victorian coins I received as pocket money when I was young and now have a small bag of “old money”. Recently, I have collected – or rather been reluctant to spend – the special coins now in circulation, notably the £2 and 50p special coins. I have saved these coins in a Dr Who tardis money box. Recently Fiona has shown interest in the special coins that are in circulation today; this includes £2, 50p and 10p special coins. Fiona’s interest has gone as far as “buying” a bag of coins from the bank for sorting through. When the good ones have been removed she’ll take the rest back and get some more later on.

Oooh look, a Kitchener £2 as well as 2 other WW1 £2 commemorative coins, and Britannia. A 1066 50p featuring Harold not William, so much for being the victor eh, and a good few Beatrix Potter coins. Nice