Camping with cutlery

Finally , we have started to use our motorhome for its intended purpose which is to see the world and go ‘camping’. Our limited first attempt is to see Lee-on-the-Solent and have a picnic on the sea front.

Saturday started off as a lovely dry and bright day, ideal for a sea front picnic, however, as evening came so did the rain. We didn’t allow the rain to deter us so as soon as Fiona came home from work we put our pre-heated plates in the cooler box and headed off in the van towards Lee on the Solent where we ordered a takeaway from the Mandarin Chinese restaurant, and then headed down to the seafront to enjoy it. Here we are enjoying our picnic complete with tablecloth, crockery and cutlery.

Parked up in Lee
Parked in Lee
Campervan Picnicking
Campervan Picnic
Picnic at the seaside
On the sea front, in the rain
On the sea front, in the rain
Wet, but lit up like a Xmas tree
Wet, but lit up like a Xmas tree